
Sexual harassment law regulates workplace environment and discrimination. It encompasses issues regarding claims including unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature, etc. It is not limited to opposite sex harassment and protects employees against quid pro quo harassment- tolerating sexual harassment to obtain/keep a job, benefit, or promotion.

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Document Name Pages Attorney/Author’s Name Rating Viewed Price
Employment Law and Workers Compensation Intake Form 1 Suzanne Natbony
2236 FREE
Mutual Release 4 Suzanne Natbony
2611 $99.00
Breach of Contract Notice 1 Suzanne Natbony
2528 $49.00
Sample_1pg_ConfidentialityAgreement.docx 1 Melissa Cahill
2649 $25.00
Sample Draft Demand Letter 1 Suzanne Natbony
2389 $10.00