LawTake's story #ProFinderContest

We started LawTake to:

1) make lawyers lives easier (some of us are lawyers) by creating a way to share documents (monetize them) and set a price for them and also create videos that provide valuable information to consumers and also be able to charge a price for them, similar to


2) make legal information and forms more affordable and accessible to people with legal issues and to be able to better determine which lawyers to hire after seeing them interact on camera.


We hope lawyers and legal consumers ("lawtakers") enjoy! We have had great feedback, such as:


"Thank you so much. I saw the video on business formations. Very funny and I enjoyed watching it thank you. I like your website and company and have 100% confidence Lawtake will be a dominate force in the legal field. I hope the CEO of legal zoom loses sleep at night because of your company. Lol. I'm honored to have you as my lawyer, I will sell lots of my product so I can afford you. Lol Have a great day, Thanks again"


LinkedIn Pro Finder can help us grow our team! We love LinkedIn as we are like a LinkedIn for lawyers + ebay platform for the lawyers to sell the tools of their trade - legal information and forms.

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